Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

The popularity of our library books in 2021

Scientific and scholarly works

  1. Principles of Marketing / Kotler, Philip
  2. Introduction to Management / Combe, Colin
  3. Introduction to Psychology / Atkinson, Rita L. et al.
  4. International Economics / Krugman, Paul R
  5. Early Modern History / Poór János ed.
  6. Hungarian Literature / Gintli Tibor ed.
  7. Számviteli ismeretek – érthetően, szórakoztatóan / Laáb Ágnes
  8. Nichomachean Ethics / Aristotle
  9. Social Psychology / Smith, Eliot R.
  10. Discipline and Punish / Foucault, Michel
    Euthyphro / Plato
    Republic / Plato


  1. Heart of Darkness / Conrad, Joseph
    A szakállas Neptun / Nádasdy, Ádám
  2. Hungarian Copperfield / Bereményi, Géza
  3. The Brothers Karamazov / Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich
  4. Normal People / Rooney, Sally
  5. The Crying of Lot 49 / Pynchon, Thomas
  6. The Hunger Angel / Müller, Herta
  7. If on a winter's night a traveler / Calvino, Italo
  8. Halotti pompa / Borbély, Szilárd
  9. The Stranger / Camus, Albert
    Neighbourhood / Zoltán, Gábor
  10. Nothing / Teller, Janne





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