Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.


Our institution also offers students the opportunity to complete a compulsory internship in the fields of library, archives and museums.

If you are looking for an internship, you can let us know by filling in the form below.
Within a few working days of your pre-registration, we will contact you to let you know whether we can offer you a place in the subject and period of your choice for the internship.

In case of our positive response, an official letter from the sending institution should also be sent to the Director General of the University Library and Archives at foigazgato@lib.elte.hu .

e.g. 2022/23 spring semester or autumn semester
5 + 11 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.