Between the 29th of July and the 31st of August 2024, our library and the Eötvös Exhibition will be closed.

Book launch – Publications about the students of the University of Nagyszombat and the Archbishop's Lyceum

The Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives, the MTA – ELTE University History Research Group and the Primate Archives invite you to a book launch on the 13th of May 2022 from 3 pm at the Main Reading Room of the University Library (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.).


The event will present recent publications about the students of the University of Nagyszombat and the Lyceum and Seminaries of the University of Nagyszombat.


Kmety Adrien – Szögi László – Varga Júlia: A Nagyszombati Egyetem bölcsész és teológus növendékei 1635–1711. Esztergom, 2021. I. – II. 1137 p.

The publication is presented by: Dr. István Fazekas, Associate Professor, Head of Research Group.


Szögi László: A nagyszombati érseki líceum és a papnevelő intézetek növendékei 1802–1850. Esztergom, 2021. 467 p.

The publication is presented by: Dr. Krisztina Tóth, habilitated Associate Professor, Head of Archives.


All visitors are welcome!

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