Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).


The periodical collection of the University Library consists of 12.000 titles in cca 207.000 volumes. The most precious part of the collection are the journals printed before 1800. (400 titles in cca 4.000 volumes). This ancient core of the collection contains foreign language journals (mostly German, English and French) and 18 Hungarian titles.  The entire collection of our library's journals is searchable in our online catalogue.    
Books The modern book collection of the University Library is one of the largest collections of the country, partly due to the fact that in the 18th century the library got a right for a mandatory deposit copy. Before 1949 the library collected materials from every field of science taught at the university. Since 1949 the it collects documents belonging to the humanities, its main fields of interest being history (especially medieval and early modern Hungarian and world history), philosophy and theology.
You can study the documents belonging to a special collection only locally in the Research Room with a valid borrower’s card, after filling out a research statement. More information about use of special collection
With its almost 2 million documents, the University Library is the third largest one in the capital. Until 1949 its collection interest covered works from all disciplines taught at the university, later it was limited to   medieval and early modern times world history, religion and history of religion.  Since then the library has nation-wide responsibility for the collection of publications in these fields.  Furthermore the library collects and stores