Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).


How is the DOI ID structured?

The DOI ID consists of a prefix and a suffix. With the prefix received from the CrossRef agency, the editorial offices form the DOI IDs, for which we provide recommendations and assistance. For journals that use the Open Journals Systems, the generation and the setting off the DOI ID can also be automated.

Can all documents receive a DOI?

The DOI ID registered with CrossRef at the university can be requested for books, book excerpts, journals, journal articles, databases and, where appropriate, manuscripts for the following online document types.

For journals, each article must be made available separately, i.e. they must have a URL per article.

You can find out more about the document types accepted be CrossRef here.

Where should the DOI be indicated?

You must include the DOI in all versions of the documents (including both electronic and printed copy). For online publication, you must include the DOI on the PDF and on the abstract page if the particular journal has it.

Can a DOI ID be requested for a dissertation?

Yes, the DOI must be requested on the form specified in Annex 5 of the Doctoral Regulations from the clerk of the doctoral office of the faculty.

Who can apply for a DOI ID?

Editors and authors of journals and volumes published by any organizational unit of the university. Based on an individual judgement, we also provide a DOI ID for journals and books that are not published by the university, but they publish the results of ELTE’s teaching and research activities.

What are the conditions for DOI registration?

  • Cross-linking obligation: indication of the DOI of the literature in the bibliography of the publication.
  • Ensuring long-term accessibility: the document must be archived in the appropriate quality in the EDIT (ELTE’s Institutional Repository). EDIT, as a secondary repository, provides access to documents with a DOI ID even if the publication’s website is lost.
  • The document must have a unique URL. In the absence of this, repository storage per article in the EDIT (ELTE’s Institutional Repository) may be a suitable alternative.
  • The DOI must be included in all versions of the document (both electronic and printed copy).

Can I request a DOI ID for my publication retrospectively?

Yes, you can register a DOI for your previously published publications.

What is the process of the application?

You can request the DOI ID at doi@lib.elte.hu. The DOI coordinator of the University Library will then contact you and provide information on the progress of the process.

Is the application subject to a fee?

Providing a DOI is free.

Source/author of illustration: