Professional excursion with members of the University Heritage Coordination in Tata

The purpose of our professional network called University Heritage Coordination, which was established in 2020, is to develop the method of managing and protecting the valuable cultural heritage of the university, as well as to make it visible to both the citizens of the university and the general public. Almost every organizational unit of the university has delegated a representative to the professional network, so in addition to working together, we also try to get to know each other's collections in the framework of professional trips.

On the 3rd of June 2024, our members traveled to Tata, where they participated in meaningful professional programs. During the morning, Dóra Kürthy, geologist and deputy director of the Kuny Domokos Museum, welcomed the group. After introducing each other, e.g. the operation of the two institutions, we had the opportunity to see the colorful exhibition The wonderful (living) world of the ancient sea of ​​Tata, as well as the traveling exhibition Life and death in the Turkish age.

In the afternoon, we walked around the more than 3-hectare nature reserve with István Szente, the manager of the Tata Geological Garden. The foundation of the garden at the foot of the Kálvária hill can be linked to the name of József Fülöp, the former rector of our university, for example, his research house and commemorative plaque can still be seen today. During the guided tour, we were introduced to unique geological and paleontological curiosities, but there was also time to explore the botanical diversity of the garden.

You can read more about our professional network, unique among Hungarian higher education institutions, here.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Springer Nature's AI Revolution – Webinar

Organized by the EISZ, the Springer Nature welcomes all interested parties to the Springer Nature's AI Revolution webinar, which presents with the help of several speakers how artificial intelligence is transforming the quality of research and the publisher's services.

Date of the webinar: June 18, 2024 (Tuesday) 12:30–14:00

Detailed program of the webinar






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„The man who moved the Earth out of its place” – Copernicus Memorial Exhibition

Nowadays, it seems inconceivable that serious scientists of past centuries could have attached so much importance to the current positions of stars and planets.

Diseases, wars, famines or perhaps good harvests, royal weddings and great discoveries await mankind? All this was thought to be read from the signs in the heavens. Join us in our search for the heavens and visit our Copernicus Memorial Exhibition entitled „The man who moved the Earth out of its place”, opening on the 22nd of June 2024 during the Night of Museums!

Commitment to quality – The University Library Service’s managers attended a leadership training

With the support of the National Cultural Fund, between the 28th and the 29th of May 2024, a management training course was held for the library managers of the University Library Service and the managers and staff of the ELTE University Library and Archives.

The two-day, develop effective management collaboration training provided participants with useful information on situational leadership and emotional intelligence. The training aimed to develop the leadership skills and competencies of leaders and to present tools, which are useful and work in practice. By applying the knowledge gained, their teams and the library as a whole will be able to improve their performance and effectiveness.

Source/author of illustration:

Library visit by the Ambassador of the Philippines

Ambassador Frank R. Cimafranca visited the ELTE University Library on the 15th of May 2024.

In the newly opened community space, the delegation also had an opportunity to discover the photo exhibition „Liminal Quarters” by PhD student James Clifford Viloria, which depicts the dormitory life of foreign students studying at the university. The area designed as part of the Book of Your Life project also provided an opportunity for consultation with students from the Philippines studying at ELTE. The delegation concluded the programme with a guided tour of the library.

The community space and our library welcomes national and international students with extended opening hours until 22:00 during the examination period until the 15th of June 2024. We wish you all a successful and enjoyable end of semester!

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„More than klezmer on the Night of Museums” – Sabbathsong Klezmer Band concert

The Sabbathsong Klezmer Band soloists and the world famous cimbalom player Jenő Lisztes will perform Monti's Charda and other popular works alongside klezmer melodies at the concert „More than Klezmer on the Night of Museums” on the 22nd of June 2024 at 8.30 pm. In the footsteps of astronomical and geographical discoveries, the performers will recall a private song by Gyula Kabos from 1919, and show how Columbus discovered America.

The poem „Football” by Hanna Szenes will also be heard in connection with the „Goal Pass” theme. For more information, please visit our website or the Night of Museums’ homepage. All visitors are welcome!


Source/author of illustration:

„The man who moved the Earth out of its place” – Copernicus Memorial Exhibition

Nowadays, it seems inconceivable that serious scientists of past centuries could have attached so much importance to the current positions of stars and planets.

Diseases, wars, famines or perhaps good harvests, royal weddings and great discoveries await mankind? All this was thought to be read from the signs in the heavens. Join us in our search for the heavens and visit our Copernicus Memorial Exhibition entitled „The man who moved the Earth out of its place”, opening on the 22nd of June 2024 during the Night of Museums!

For more information, please visit our website or the Night of Museums’ homepage.


Source/author of illustration:

Trial access to Oxford University Press Grove Art Online and Grove Music Online

Oxford University Press offered Trial Access to Grove Art Online and Grove Music Online. To access these databases, please connect to ELTE internet network directly on campus or by using VPN for remote access. The trial ends at the 15th of June 2024.

Grove Art Online

„The foremost scholarly art encyclopaedia, updated regularly and covering global art and architecture from prehistory to present day. Includes peer-reviewed articles contributed by nearly 7,000 scholars from around the world, accompanied by images, bibliographies, and links to additional resources.”

Grove Music Online

„The authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history, theory and cultures of music around the globe. Based on a work first published in 1879 and updated frequently, Grove has been in continuous publication for over a century and now publishes hundreds of new articles and article revisions each year.”

Source/author of illustration:

Book launch for our adopters

In the framework of our book adoption programme, our conservator and reference librarian gave our adopters a detailed presentation of the supported volumes.

Representing Kék Zóna Közösség Kft., Zoltán Gazsi, the Eisberg Kft. and his wife Andrea Andrek adopted the book of István Illyés entitled Készület a jól meghaláshoz (’Preparation for Dying Well’). István Illyés (1650–1711/1712) was born in 1650 in Csíkszentgyörgy (Ciucsângeorgiu) in Szeklerland, as the younger brother of András Illyés, later bishop of Transylvania. He was educated in his native village, at the Franciscan school of Csíksomlyó (Șumuleu Ciuc), then in Ungvár (Uzhhorod), Szepes (Spiš) and Pozsony (Bratislava).

As an alumnus of the Pázmáneum, he studied in Vienna from 1672, where he obtained a master's degree. He completed his theological studies at the German-Hungarian College in Rome, after which he was ordained a priest (1677). On his return to Hungary he held several posts (e.g. parish priest of Nádszeg [Trstice]), canon of Esztergom and parish priest of Somorja (Šamorín) in 1688, archdeacon of Hont in 1689, archdeacon of Zólyom (Zvolen) in 1690, provost of Szenttamás (Србобран) in 1691, and later abbot of Szentjobb (Sâniob). In 1693, he became custos of Esztergom, in 1696 cantor, in 1707 lector, in 1708 grand provost of Esztergom, then vicar general and bishop of Szendrő (Smederevo). He died in 1711 or 1712. 

The first edition of the Készület a jól meghaláshoz (’Preparation for Dying Well’) was published in 1693 by the Academy Press in Nagyszombat (Trnava), together with his psalms and funeral hymns, but a second, slightly revised edition was published in the same year (the University Library's copy contains the latter edition). After the greeting of the readers, the author presents in two parts how Christians should prepare for death: the first part deals with the necessary actions in a healthy age, the second with those necessary in sickness. Each of these two parts is divided into 10 further chapters. More than half of the volume is taken up by subsequent prayers, which are also necessary to prepare for death: a creed, a prayer for forgiveness of sins, a prayer against the fear of death, a prayer to the guardian angel and Mary, prayers for the terminally ill, etc. The whole work concludes with the text of the Litany of Loreto before the list of errors and contents. 25 leaves are bound behind the print (later hands numbered the leaves in pencil), on which several 17th-18th century hands inscribed prayers in Hungarian and Latin. The subjects of the hand-written prayers are diverse: a sinner's prayer to Mary; a powerful prayer to be said every nine days; a prayer for the peace of the Church and the kingdom; a rosary of the Holy Trinity against pestilence; a prayer to Jude the Apostle and Saint John of Nepomuk. 

The book is part of the book adoption program of the Foundation for the University Library. Save a book, adopt a book! For more information visit our website:


Our adopted book: RMK I 346 Illyés István: Készület a’ jól meg-haláshoz, szép oktatásokkal, bíztatásokkal, főfő jószágos cselekedetek gyakorlásával, imádságokkal, és Istenhez-való fohászkodásokkal, fel-készíttetett, és először francziául, az-után olaszul, és deákül bévebben : most pedig Illyés István … által, magyarul rövidebben, és némely változással, ’s néhol hozzá-adással is, ki-bocsáttatott, a halandók, és halálos betegségben vonakodók vigasztalására, segédelmére, és az őket vigasztalók üdvösséges foglalatosságára

Nyomtattatot Nagyszombatban: az Academiai bötükkel Hörman János által, M. DC. XCIII. [1693] esztendőben

RMK I 346 Illyés István: Készület a’ jól meg-haláshoz [1693]


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Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – May 2024

Object of the month – Memorial plaque of the ELTE Radnóti Miklós Teacher Training School

Miklós Radnóti was born 115 years ago, on the 5th of May 1909, in Budapest, in an assimilated Jewish family. He attended the University of Szeged from 1930, obtained a Hungarian–French secondary school teacher qualification in 1936, but did not get a job.

The school took his name in 1959, and at the naming ceremony on the 9th of May, literary historian Gábor Tolnai (1910–1990), Radnóti’s former university student, gave a speech:

„He wanted to be a teacher. He considered education and teaching to be the most beautiful task of man. Education for the truth. He was already a teacher when he was a university student. He raised us, his friends, primarily with his human behavior, honesty, and love of justice. Miklós Radnóti spoke the truth until the moment of his death.[…] Dear girls and boys, be proud that your school is named after him, and try to be worthy of the poet and unusually pure and unwavering man, Miklós Radnóti.”

The commemorative plaque depicts the facing portrait of the Hungarian poet Miklós Radnóti (1909–1944), with the inscription: „RADNÓTI”. The current version of the ELTE Radnóti Miklós Teacher Training School commemorative plaque is the school's award, it was founded by the school in 1983. It is awarded to the most deserving 12th grade student for excellent academic work and for the school community.

Written by Hedvig Kocsis, Georgina Schlay

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola / ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár