
2022. October 14., Friday – 10:43
University Library Service (ULS)
Join to the Clarivate webinar to learn how to collect and manage scientific literature in just a few minutes with EndNote online.
2022. October 4., Tuesday – 15:09
University Library Service (ULS)
In order to increase the efficiency of library services, according to Article 137/A of the Student Requirements Regulation, effective from the 1 st of October 2022, the condition for taking endof-semester examinations and registering for the next semester is the payment of the library overdue fee in the libraries of the University Library Service.
2022. September 20., Tuesday – 13:36
University Library Service (ULS)
On the 2nd of September 2022, ELTE Librarians’ Day took place at the Library of Faculty of Law – after an unintentional 3-year break. The event focused on the changes in the three years since COVID. The programme started with presentations by the library directors on their tasks and achievements in the past period. Further, Ágnes Koreny, Deputy Director General of Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library, gave a spellbinding lecture on the future challenges and possible solutions for academic libraries.
2022. September 12., Monday – 13:11
University Library Service (ULS)
According to the traditions of Eötvös Loránd University, the Senate of the University presented the awards to the lecturers, employees and staff who provided excellent work and outstanding performance at the opening Senate meeting of the academic year. This year's honorees included several staff members of the University Library Service, who are committed to the cause of the university and library development.
2022. September 12., Monday – 12:04
University Library Service (ULS)
The network of libraries maintained by Eötvös Loránd University, the University Library Service, with more than 4.3 million documents, wishes you a successful autumn semester.
2022. September 9., Friday – 14:36
University Library Service (ULS)
Join to the webinar ”The importance of Web of Science Researcher Profiles” on the 20th of September 2022 at 10:00 am!
2022. September 9., Friday – 14:02
University Library Service (ULS)
Gale Research Complete database is going to be accessible due to the trial access. The database includes peer-reviewed journal articles, e-books, primary sources, daily and weekly newspapers.
2022. September 9., Friday – 13:47
University Library Service (ULS)
The ProQuest One Academic database can be tested due to the one-month trial acces. The database contains scientific journals, e-books, dissertations, daily and weekly newspapers, videos and many other documents.
2022. September 1., Thursday – 18:05
University Library Service (ULS)
Get to know the university, its library and take a commemorative photo of your first day!  Now that you have become a university student, visit the faculty library on your enrollment day!
2022. August 30., Tuesday – 13:27
University Library Service (ULS)
The international project NI4OS-Europe (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe) is organising a conference between the 28th and 29 th of September 2022 in Budapest. The event is free, but registration is required. Location: BME K building.
2022. July 3., Sunday – 00:53
University Library Service (ULS)
At the second quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2022, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.
2022. June 29., Wednesday – 14:53
University Library Service (ULS)
On the 7th of June 2022, an awareness-raising training for ELTE librarians was successfully organized by the Accessible Library Working Group of the University Library Service K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee at the Ecseri Road building of the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education.
2022. June 29., Wednesday – 08:43
University Library Service (ULS)
Some of Wiley’s hybrid journals will continue to operate as Gold Open Access journals from 2023. Although they will become Gold Open Access journals from January 2023, new submissions to the journal will be considered under the new Gold Open Access journal model from 2022 onwards.
2022. June 24., Friday – 16:23
University Library Service (ULS)
The first quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee took place in a meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.
2022. June 9., Thursday – 13:16
University Library Service (ULS)
The Web of Science Open House Sessions are a series of webinars in which the Web of Science Editorial Team provides an inside view of the journal evaluation process and selection criteria.
2022. June 7., Tuesday – 12:25
University Library Service (ULS)
EISZ and Taylor & Francis will host an online webinar for researchers working in the field of social sciences and humanities on June 13th. The aim of the 60-minute lecture is to demonstrate the benefits of open research and publishing in the field of humanities and social sciences.
2022. June 7., Tuesday – 12:17
University Library Service (ULS)
Jessica Benton presents the Primary Sources package for the GALE Reference Complete database. The webinar will be held in English on June 10, 2022, starting at 2 p.m.
2022. May 27., Friday – 13:16
University Library Service (ULS)
The Library Café on the 26th of May 2022 was a success. In the Boardroom of the ELTE University Library and Archives, staff members from Romania, Italy and Croatia visiting our library during the Erasmus+ Programme gave a presentation in English about their library and their work to the librarians of the Eötvös Loránd University Library Service.
2022. May 19., Thursday – 14:27
University Library Service (ULS)
The ELTE University Library Service (ULS) is committed to increasing library user satisfaction, international exchange and continuous service improvement.
2022. May 16., Monday – 15:34
University Library Service (ULS)
Elsevier has made 287 textbooks available in trial access via ScienceDirect platform.