Two more ELTE journals awarded the title „MTMT Qualified Journal”
The recognition is considered outstanding both within the university and nationwide.
The Repository Certification Committee of the MTMT (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára = Hungarian Science Bibliography – the database of Hungarian scientific publications) issued certificates to two more scientific online journals affiliated with the ELTE Faculty of Humanities based on the submitted certification requests.
Our newly MTMT Qualified Journals:
- Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae
- Névtani Értesítő
Currently, only sixteen academic journals are certified.
The qualification protocol is intended to certify journals’ publishing practices published in online database software, using the Open Access or delayed Open Access publishing model. The process examines the journal's peer review process and the practice of informing potential authors and readers. The purpose of the certification is to support the work of the editorial offices, to promote the development of a standardised operation of national web journals, which also ensures the automatic uploading of the articles' bibliographic data into MTMT.
The recognition is due to the outstanding and persistent professional work of the editorial board of Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae and Névtani Értesítő, to the scientific research of the authors, as well as to the support of the librarians of the ELTE Faculty of Humanities Library and Katalin Jakab, MTMT administrator of the ELTE FoH Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies, and to the University Library and Archives.
Our heartfelt congratulations to the editorial board of the qualified journals and to the authors published in the journals, and we wish them continued success in their academic work.
Repository Certification Committee
MTMT classification of scientific online journals