Unitec Research Bank

Welcome to Research Bank, our open research repository that includes research produced by students and staff while affiliated with Unitec, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Otago Polytechnic, Toi Ohomai and Southern Institute of Technology (SIT). These institutes are part of Te Pūkenga. It is intended to facilitate scholarly communication and shared access to our research outputs.

ScholarWorks @ UVM

ScholarWorks is the Institutional Repository (IR) for the University of Vermont. The repository brings together the University's research under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide open access to that research.

Revistas PUCP

Revistas PUCP is the official portal of academic journals of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, presented in full text, in open access and in digital format. It is a service that is provided to the PUCP community, in order to contribute to the creation, exhibition, updating and support of journals of our study house.

Trial access: CNBKSY – Books of Modern China (1840–1949)

ELTE has been granted a 3-month trial access to the Books of Modern China (1840–1949) database on Shanghai Library's CNBKSY (Quan Guo Bao Kan Suo Yin) platform. The database contains over 120,000 books, which can be searched in full text.

Access period: December 1, 2023 – March 1, 2024

The database is accessible from the entire IP range of the University (from home via VPN):

CNBKSY Books of Modern China (18401949)

Leaflet and manual for the database.



Source/author of illustration:

Mosaics from heritage of ELTE – January 2024

Obejct of the month – Sándor Szilágyi commemorative medal

The image on the obverse shows the bust of an elderly man with a beard and mustache looking to the left. Under the image of the medal is the name of the artist (Anton Scharff), on the left side inscription: „AET LXX”.

The image on the reverse is divided horizontally. In the upper field, three figures can be seen between books and a globe. On the left side of the field, there are names related to Sándor Szilágyi’s historical activities: „BÁTHORY / BETHLEN / RÁKÓCZY”. In the lower field the building of the University Library can be seen, above the coat of arms of the Eötvös Loránd University (then Budapest University) and the mint mark of Kremnica. Inscription on the left side of the field: „RERUM HUNGARICARUM AC TRANSSYLVANICARUM INDIGATORI INDEFESSO 1897”.

Bronze commemorative medal made on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the historian Sándor Szilágyi (1927–1899). The medal was presented by the admirers at the meeting of the Hungarian Historical Society on the 21st of June 1897. During his research activities, Sándor Szilágyi worked on early modern Hungarian and Transylvanian topics, from 1878 until his death he was the director of the University Library of Eötvös Loránd University (then Budapest University).

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives – University History Collection

Book of Your Life – A project to promote cultural inclusion of international students is launched at the University Library

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) is supporting the ELTE University Library and Archives' Book of Your Life (BoYL) project with 10,000 euros, the highest amount available in the Libraries, Communities and Democracy call for 2024. The primary aim of the project is to support the integration of international students coming to ELTE by creating community spaces and organising multilingual thematic activities. 

In line with ELTE's internationalisation strategy, the project will focus on promoting multiculturalism and supporting the mental well-being of students, given that an increasing number of international students from more than 100 countries are coming from global conflict zones.

The student community space in the Ferenciek tere library palace is planned to host interactive lectures, book exchanges, book clubs and pop-up exhibitions. The experience gained from the pilot project will be multiplied by ELTE for both national and international partners.

The Book of Your Life project aims to strengthen the strategic role of university libraries as facilitators of international cultural relations, as safe spaces and as promoters of the cultural heritage they preserve and care for.

The project will be implemented jointly by the ELTE University Library and Archives, the ELTE, the International Strategy Office and the University Strategy Office between January and September 2024, in line with the CHARM-EU Alliance Inclusion Plan.

More details are available on the ELTE website.

TEC & ECF logo

Source/author of illustration: