Reporting Day K21 – Results in the light of quality improvement

The third quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee took place in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.

The K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee is actively involved in the Document Management Project of the University Library Service (ULS), which aims to systematize the documents created within the ULS to ensure long-term preservation and retrieval.

Based on the 2021 organizational culture survey, the results were evaluated. During the completion of the questionnaire, our employees were able to comment on the changed work schedule, home office, as well as temporary provisions and work organization during the pandemic. The evaluation is available in the EDIT repository.

The results of this year’s student satisfaction surveys are being evaluated and summarized.

The collection of proposals for the audited process descriptions has been completed. Based on the comments and proposed amendments, the final documents will be approved by the Library Council after the review and correction of the process descriptions.

The members of the green library working group are working on a green virtual collection to gather printed and electronic resources related to the topic.

The barrier-free library working group compiles a complex, constantly updated barrier-free library user’s guide for librarians.

The library leaders discussed the development of a performance appraisal system; RFID, book and journal procurement procedures, the content of the research support menu on the new homepage, database orders and ongoing improvements.

We provide regular information on the results of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee on our website. Furthermore, our employees are able to get information about our work and professional development in the field of quality management with the help of our animated short film published on our mailing list.

We will announce the latest developments and results on our website soon with the latest news.

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