Director of the Vienna University Library on a library visit

Dr. Andreas Brandtner, the recently appointed Head of Library at the Vienna University, visited our library on 30 September 2024.

During the official ground-breaking meeting, Dr. Andreas Brandtner, Head of the Vienna Library, and Dr. Kulcsár Szabó Ernőné Gombos Annamária, Head of the ELTE University Library and Archives, discussed the mission, future plans, current goals and challenges of their institutions. In addition to building international relations, both historic libraries have a strategic interest in the continuous development of research and teaching support, and in promoting user satisfaction and the implementation of the universities' policies through the use of modern technology. The meeting also offered Dr. Andreas Brandtner an insight into the history of our library, which is closely interwoven with Austrian culture, as well as into our modern services, architectural attractions and some of our old books.

As challenge- and user-oriented cultural institutions, the parties are committed to fostering inter-institutional relations, sharing good practices and cooperating around shared values, and look forward to future opportunities for collaboration in pursuit of common goals.

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