Trial access to ProQuest One Business and Statista databases

The Citizens of ELTE have the opportunity to try out the following two databases that can be accessed from ELTE IP range or in case of remote access using Stunnel or VPN service.

ProQuest One Business

In addition to various scientific journals, the database also contains full-text magazines, case studies, SWOT analyses, business studies, country reports, dissertations, e-books and videos.

Period of trial access: between the 25th of February 2022 and the 19th of March 2022

Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French, and Spanish. is the starting point for market analyses, benchmarking, and lead generation in the eCommerce sector. The database provides insights into detailed revenue information of 20,000 online shops worldwide.

Period of trial access: between the 1st of March 2022 and the 30th of March 2022

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Thesis?! – Training to help you write your thesis

There is a unique opportunity for the ELTE Faculty of Economics' students to participate on a training that intend to share good practice of writing and editing thesis. The program is presented by the University Library and Archives’ professional librarian.

The training has two parts on different dates. There is time for Q&A during the sessions too.

The following subjects will be discussed:

4th March 2022; 17.00–18.00: „How to write thesis properly? – Part 1”

  • Collecting resources – Catalogues and databases
  • Organising resources, use of resources
  • Plagiarism
  • Creating in-text citation and reference lists – Zotero application

25th March 2022; 17.00–18.00: „How to write thesis properly? – Part 2”

  • Characteristics of academic writing
  • Structuring thesis
  • Theorem, stylistics

The themes were developed on the experience of recent years, focusing on the most common problems and issues.

Place: Building R, Hall.

The ELTE Faculty of Economics' students may register to the training in the Neptun system.

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SZAKTÁRS – Tinta Könyvkiadó – SzakKönyvTár

The publisher's database encompasses the output of specialized books published over the last twenty years, offering researchers 305 volumes in 2023. It is a collection of social science books, primarily in linguistics and communication science, continuously updated throughout the year with newly published volumes.
The database, accessible through the platform, is available for use by higher education institutions through both IP-based services and EduID-based identification.

The inner garden of the University Library has been renewed

In cooperation with the ELTE Botanical Garden, a large-scale gardening project took place in the inner courtyard of the University Library. Trees and bushes were pruned, fallen leaves and twigs were removed. The beautiful garden is waiting for the spring and readers, who would like to read outdoors. Explore this charming place!

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Schedule your visit to Eötvös Exhibition in March

The registration dates for the exhibition „Under the Enchantment of Accuracy – The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös” are now available.

In honor of Loránd Eötvös, a former professor of our university, we opened our interactive exhibition in 2019. Throughout his life, the world-famous physicist and university professor admired nature, researching the nature of the world. At our exhibition, visitors can get a glimpse into the scientific methods of Loránd Eötvös, try out his experimental tools, view the landscapes he saws during his travels and the exciting world of the turn of the century.

For more information and registration, please, visit our website at

All visitors are welcome!

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Successful online trainings of the ELTE University Library and Archives on research data management

The online training on research data, research data management and data repositories was a great success organized by the colleagues of ELTE University Library and Archives in early February 2022.

There were four online sessions complied with the requests of the ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education and the Faculty of Humanities and 70 participants attended all together.  Although completing a data management plan was in the focus of the training, the possibilities and advantages of  data sharing were emphasised as well.

The presentation is available in the Institutional Repository (EDIT).

If you have any questions about this topic, please feel free to contact the staff of the Education and Research Support Department of ELTE University Library and Archives at

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University biographical mosaics – Daniel Cornides

The historian, Dániel Cornides (1732–1787) was appointed to the University of Pest in 1784 as a teacher of historical auxiliary sciences and guardian of the university library. Although he took courses at the University of Göttingen the following year, from 1785 until his death he worked in the University Library and taught at the university. From 1767 he was in the service of József Teleki as secretary, and a close relationship developed between them. In view of their friendship, after the death of Cornides, Teleki bought his legacy of valuable manuscripts and books, which was later transferred to the manuscript archive of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences together with the Teleki library. However, the valuable correspondence between Cornides and Pray can still be found in the manuscript archives of the University Library, as well as the 16th-century Hungarian-language codex named after him, which was copied by the Dominican nun, Lea Ráskay.

Cornides kódex a XVI. századból

Cornides codex:

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Guide for librarians to support readers with special needs

The Accessible library team of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Comittee has compiled a guide for librarians.

With the help of this guide our staff can support the use of libraries and the acquisition of information by readers with special needs. The document is available to the University Library Service’s librarians in the EDIT repository.

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